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Hello everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.(though my Christmas greeting is late hehe) Thank so much for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it :) It's nice meeting you even though our meeting is "virtual" hehe. Cheers for more worthwhile post to come and I wish you all a long and happy life ;D Now here's

Summer in December

Summer in December

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Summer in December Image
 another adventure. another day, same sky, same friend, same feelings Last Wednesday (Dec.19,2012) my best friend Love and I went to Sayaw Beach at Barili for a refreshing trip. It's somewhere in the southern part of Cebu. Somewhere very far from the City where I breathe.Went out of town to celebrate my last day of being a teenager

Instant Makeover and Pefect Lip Color

Instant Makeover and Pefect Lip Color

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Instant Makeover and Pefect Lip Color Image
     Hey guys, I just wanna share to you two of the trending news from Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com). If you've followed my blog for a long time you'll know how much I adore reading. Here's a random fact about me, I haven't watched tv for more than a minute for a very long time like a year (that long)

The Song Of The Fish

The Song Of The Fish

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The Song Of The Fish Image
Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish. Instead of an exhausting human form with a look like this. Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish. So that I could always cry without any tears in my eye. Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish So I won't have to wish to be

Fashion Wise For Sale Items!

Fashion Wise For Sale Items!

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Fashion Wise For Sale Items! Image
     Hey guys, here are some of the items left by the online shop my friends and I sold last May. We call our shop Fashion Wise because all items are in a very affordable prices. Some items are pre-loved stuffs by the owners, thrifted clothes and brand new.     All items below are still available in 100php.

Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

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Versatile Blogger Award  Image
My awesome friend Stephy of steph-g.blogspot.com has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award, It's always awesome to receive one, I truly appreciate it.Thank you Stephy!!! Please do check out her blog, she blogs about make-up, nail arts and any other pretty stuffs worth reading. In order to qualify for The Versatile Blogger Award, you must comply to the following



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Kape Image
Lami-a gyud aning kape uy! Mukiat gud dayon ning pislat kong ilong sa higayon nga mulakaw na iyang aroma sa hangin. Pastilan, pagkahumuta lang naman jud! Humot pa's baho sa axe nga giligo ni Tata human niya'g pang half bath. Buntag,udto,gabie wa jud intawn ko pul-e. Maka-boang man gud ning kape. Ma-init o ma-bugnaw lami jud siya teh!



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Walking... Image
 These picture were taken during my bonding with my friends (MEaN Girls) last semester. I know this one's too late to post but still I wanna treasure the happy moments we had by blogging about this. Everything goes as what we've planned except for the fact that some of my friends didn't get the chance to go with