
We are safe and sound. 
Our minds are sanitised. 
Our worries antibacterial. 
Our dreams are non-biodegradable
piles inside paper boxes.

The grocery store owners
are poets. 
There is poetry inside our
canned goods - a long overdue collection
ready to serve. 
Read it, please. 

An eulogy of a once infected heart
has decomposed; 
now married with the earth
long after we lived. 
Everyone's okay. 
You're okay. 
I no longer check the safety notification
button inside your chest. 
In a glass window
of a fastfood restaurant,
I watched you dine together with your wife. 
You pulled apart a wishbone. 
Why put its soul back? 

It's 4am when I started writing
this poem, 
but I can still hear the echoes
of your midnight songs
asking me when the dawn will come. 

-Cristine Despares
Epilogue | 2020 Quarantine Poem 

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  1. So beautiful Tin, I think is a good moment to reflect and think about the stuff that matters and the stuff that can really calm us down for a few minutes.

    All the best and thanks for your digital company through all these years


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