Hello friends! I know, it's been a while since I've scribbled something closer to my heart, and please pardon me if I bombarded you with too many "sponsored posts". Anyway, I'm still around though I know I haven't been in this space for quite some time, especially during the height of the pandemic when everything just seems uncertain. If you're reading this post, I hope you are feeling well, healthy, and mostly, happy.
A lot happened when I sort of stopped sharing something personal in this blog. Mostly work, but mostly life. Life happened and it's still an ongoing show. Nothing grand happened though, I'm not getting married or expecting a baby, but I thought it would be proper for me to run you through what's been going on in my life if I were to sort of 'come back into my usual blogging caliber. Not that I ever stopped, which you'd find out later.
I would like to say that one of the biggest reasons why I haven't blogged here as much as I did is the drastic shift in going digital with every aspect of our lives. For sure, most of us worked in front of our computers more than we used to prior to the pandemic. This is especially true for me ever since I worked full-time as a content writer last year, and briefly as a curriculum developer. This means that I spend more or less ten hours working on my computer, and I would really love to lessen it to protect my eye health.
Going back, what's new? There might be a lot of new things or ventures happening in my life now. Most of which aren't even part of my "goals", but I'm grateful for the good ones. Like every other person's life, I also had some bumpy parts. Some of which I'm still coping with as they are emotionally traumatic, and it's not something everyone can understand so I just tend to be quiet about it.
What's Up?
Yeah, so what's up? Here are some major updates in my life. Feel free to read or not. lol :)
I've started making fashion earrings.
A part of me always wanted to create something with my hands, and I find it so liberating to come up with something that I initially just had in mind. If you know me or if we personally often meet, you'll know how much I love wearing earrings. I remember collecting fashion accessories before particularly rings which I have actually blogged countless summers ago. haha Now, I'm conceptualizing and making earrings. This is more of a side hustle or a hobby for now though, but I am happy how this makes me and other ladies happy. I'm not producing or selling my creations in massive quantities as I do this by myself with whichever materials I have. This is also not something I would consider a full-blown business since I have to have a full-time job that would allow me to pay the bills aka Netflix monthly subscriptions. lmao
Nevertheless, this makes me so happy and free, and even though I'm aware that this isn't something that would make me rich AF, I'm grateful for the smiles this has given me. Also, this has given me the chance to reconnect with some of my college and high school friends whenever they want to buy a pair from me. This is because I'm only posting my creations using my Facebook account, which is fine with me as I get to know and see that people I personally connected with are wearing my creations.
I've made a lifestyle blog exclusively made for my city - Cebu City
One of the things that I love about blogging is that it allows me to share what's good in my beloved city of Cebu while also practicing my creativity by taking photos and scribbling words. This is something that I deeply love and as cliché, as it sounds, it helps relieve my stress. It is also through my humble virtual space that I can express my support to the businesses in the city especially startups/ MSMEs.
Blogging is not my bread and butter, but it doesn’t matter to me. It is and has always been a means of catharsis for me. I've had so many struggles during the pandemic, especially during its height. I know I'm not alone with it, and despite trying my best to be strong, I couldn't help but worry for my health and for my family. I know that many businesses in my city were also struggling at that time, and I did the best I could to support them by buying local products. This just got more relevant when mobility was limited. Hence, I decided to create a blog that focuses on the good things in my city be it products, people, or events. I find that with the stress that we've experienced, knowing that there are positive things happening around you would definitely help keep hope alive.
The best part about running my localized blog is the opportunity to get to know inspiring people within my community and be able to share them. Not to mention, I was able to work with different PR agencies within our city and get to promote homegrown products. Plus, I got invitations to write as a freelancer. Although the gigs I had are not enough to be viable sources of income. I'm grateful for the sense of happiness that it gave me. Please follow
Bloom Cebu on
Instagram, and
Yep, I've tried vlogging but I'm too shy to even share my videos and my editing still sucks so you may not subscribe to my channel! haha!
just a couple of photos I took for local brands in Cebu :)
Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, one of the goals I have in mind right now is to be able to publish a poetry book. Most of you who have read my blog pre-pandemic when I was active AF here, you may have read some of the poems I have published in this space. As the name of this site suggests, I initially intended to house my poems in this blog. However, as I met new friends and got interested in other areas such as fashion, I've published blogs other than poetry. The book is far from finished and I've selected some poems which I have shared here to be part of the collection. I'm not sure when I can finish it either, but let's hope I will despite having a gazillion of other things in mind. haha
For this blog though, I plan to add two more categories that I'll be focusing on apart from product reviews. I'll be sharing blogs about health and book reviews. I actually worked as a content writer last year where I write about health and wellness. I cannot of course just share what I have written in this space, but I have learned so much from what I wrote. Since I find health as one of the top priorities in life, given that we are still going through the COVID-19 pandemic, it got me thinking that I should also write and share about wellness here. Of course, it's a delicate topic that requires research so I might not be able to blog about it as often. Same with book reviews, my work gets so much of my time. Adding the crazy traffic in the Philippines where I need to allot 2 to 4 hours to commute, I'm left with little to no time to read in a day as much as I want to. Still, I'm positive about this and would like to share with you my reviews on my favorite books as I slowly add more to my reading list.
Apart from these things, I don't think much of me has changed. I'm still the same Tine who adores visiting museums, coffee, and flowers. Although, personally, I'm much quiet than I used to be. I get a part of me got used to the part of me who lives in stillness. Not everyone can understand that part of me so let's just say, talking in person is not my hobby at this moment! :) Oh, and I'm slowly trying to get more active in Instagram @scaryredroses so, say hi is you're hanging out in IG!
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