Books I've Read this Year

Books I've Read this Year

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         Another year is about to close and another one is about to unfold. Honestly, new years make me feel sad and happy at the same time. I like the idea of knowing that I have accomplished a lot of things in a year and spent some of my days as memorable as I can

Christmas Clothes for Newborn Babies

Christmas Clothes for Newborn Babies

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Christmas Clothes for Newborn Babies Image
    We haven't passed the first day of January yet, so technically speaking, the holiday season ain't over yet. I've been out in some of my social media accounts lately, primarily because I lost my phone, and also because Christmas happened and with it comes holiday shopping. It really feels good to be able to buy gifts for

Buluwanong Pasko (A Golden Christmas)

Buluwanong Pasko (A Golden Christmas)

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     We all just celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ three days ago, yet that joyful feeling still lingers. Christmas is truly a time for us to feel and do something good. For that, it's no surprise to see fellowmen sharing what good they give during the most magical time of the year.       It

Inside Cebu's First Lifestyle Museum: Casa Gorordo

Inside Cebu's First Lifestyle Museum: Casa Gorordo

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Inside Cebu's First Lifestyle Museum: Casa Gorordo Image
       Positioned in the quiet and brooding part of Lopez Jaena St., Casa Gorordo is one of the treasures that Cebu has to preserve and behold. I've been to numerous museums in our city, (all thanks to Gabi-i sa Kabalin Night of Heritage) but I must say that Casa Gorordo is on the second spot of