Home Bound Drive

I still remember the day

you held my hand and told me, 

you can drive for eternity 

all I have to do is wrap my arms 

tighter around you.  

Going through this new route with you,

I've lost count of the stop signs we've ignored. 

Turning red lights to green, 

always choosing to make love win. 

I swear, I'll put a brake on my fast thoughts,

so my words won't crash and hit you.  

Do you know that I always believe in you?

You're the one I want my ma and pa to meet; that's also true. 

My lover, will you still drive with all the baggage I carry with me? 

What if I tell you that I left 

all the reasons to love me at a gas station? 

Will I be enough to hit the road with you? 

Twenty years from now, when I no longer look like the singer you adore, 

when I can't make you blush like a teenager with a crush anymore,  

Will love still be enough for you to drive me home?

James Fabros Cerna

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