My Self-Care Practices

self-care practices
     From racing with countless workloads and deadlines, I know exactly how it felt not to be able to cross off tasks from one’s to-do lists. I also recognize that regardless of how much caffeine we welcome into our system, there will be days when we just want to take a flight from everything. Not to mention, there are days where everything just felt so wrong. Those are just some of the things that I have to fully accept and work on should I want to keep myself sane from all stressors. 

     Practicing self-care helps me a lot in keeping things, including my mental and physical health in equilibrium. It would be hypocritical for me to say that I have all things in control right now, but at least, the act helped me maintained some areas of my life in order. I know you’ve heard a lot about self-care trends, I did, and I would say that it’s probably one of the most “millennial” words people used nowadays. Regardless, it’s not a bad thing and I must say that it is necessary not just for the burnout generation, but for every human being. 

     If there’s something that I’d like to be clear about any self-care practices is that it doesn’t have to be costly. Taking care of one’s self doesn’t need one to spend more than he or she ought to which could lead the person more stressed than ever. I do have a demanding job and though it helps me pay the bills, it definitely doesn’t allow me to indulge and spend like an Arabian princess. lol I wish! If we’re on the same page, here are some of my time-tested personal self-care practices which you can also integrate into refreshing your mind. Pardon me; this does not include salt baths, scented candles, and over-the-top facials. 
Self-Care Practices
👨 👩 👧 👧Small Talks with a Big Friend 👨 👩 👧 👧
This is one of the things that I skip doing because of “busy” work life, and I often forget how amazing it is to catch up with a good friend. Even though this is such a challenge for me because my very close friends work in different places, I know that spending time with them would make me feel a whole lot better. There are some things that you can’t easily share with your family or your SO, and with that, our friends are to the rescue. Having a meaningful conversation with your friend will not only give you an update about his/her life, but it also shows how much they mean to you. Thus, strengthening your relationship.
self-care practices
🍛 🥙 🥘 🥗Sunday Cooking with the Fam 🍛 🥙 🥘 🥗
Cooking isn’t always a relaxing activity, it’s one that has given me so much peace. The joy of knowing that I am making something to feed my beloved people just feels great. I came across an adage last month that making something with your heart is poetry. Therefore, every time I cook for my family makes me think that I am serving them poetry – on a plate. Note that what you are cooking doesn’t have to be all grand and fancy. As long as you do it with love, it’s going to work. You’ll see, even once a week, (I like doing it on Sundays.) cooking will allow you to show how much you care for your family and yourself in the process. 
self-care practices
🖋🎨🖌✂️Get Creative with a Journal 🖋🎨🖌✂️
I have been journaling for half and decade already and keeping my journal doesn’t only help me organize my ideas; it also helps me mentally every time I jot down my thoughts and emotions on a sheet of paper. This year, my journal is a bit different. I created my own journal out of a blank notepad. That's because last year, I used one which has notes all over it and I just find it uninspiring as days go by - same as the year 2018. lol Now, I am having so much fun using my journal. I chose to use something with blank pages so that I have enough room to write what I want. I paint in it, I write in it, I make a collage in it and fill it with washi tapes and stickers which are now an obsession!
Personally, I feel that keeping a journal enhances my self-awareness and progress. It also allows me to release my daily stress - which, as we all know is one of the triggers of negative feelings. Journaling is also found to be beneficial if you deal with anxiety. Note that your journal is yours which means that you can have it any way you want it. Wander in it. Create in and with it. Let it help you on your journey.
self-care practices
🙅📲💻Doing a Digital Detox 🙅📲💻
My phone died last December and it was both a terrible and a fantastic thing. It has been difficult at first. I thought I’d lost my mind, but as time moves forward, it made me realized that I don’t really need it to be able to function as a fully-grown working adult. If anything, I was able to accomplish more than I used to. It’s terrible considering that I’m used to having it to accomplish some of my daily routines, yes, including my “social networking needs”, however, it is also a bliss as it made me live more at the moment and appreciate what life serves on my plate. Not having a phone also made me comprehend how much time I used to spend scrolling on its screen instead of enjoying where I currently am and being truly present with the people I am with.

Okay, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a phone in order to appreciate life. You certainly don’t have to experience what I went through to do a digital detox. You simply have to allocate several hours a day where you can focus on what you are actually doing without your phone. For instance, if you are catching up that long-anticipated brunch date, you may turn off your mobile phone. Of course, right after you took that #Foodgram of the day. haha If that doesn’t work well with you, you may turn off your phone a few hours before you sleep. Let’s say while you’re doing your nighttime routine. Digital detox wouldn’t only give you more focus in caring for yourself, it is also beneficial to one’s health as it can help us master the art of mindfulness.
self-care practices
self-care practices
 🗾👌🚘🌇Visiting New Places Alone  🗾👌🚘🌇
It's no wonder why more and more millennials consider traveling over other things such as purchasing a  new house. Traveling gives us so many moments worth keeping. Plus, it helps us understand people from walks of life and gives us a new perspective on how we see things such as an Instagrammable landmark. Traveling definitely puts us in a cloud nine-state, but we have to make sure that it's not going to put us in a situation where the only thing left for us to dine in is a can of tuna. lol Not that a can of tuna is bad, but you get the idea. hehe In my case, when my time and my bank account don't allow me to go outside the city, I explore what's within it. On days when I don't feel 100%, I often visit a new cafe and if not, I visit museums and art galleries alone. Not that I'm a loner, but I want to take time reflecting on an artwork or a historical object. Somehow, wandering in a place all by myself gives me a peace of mind where I can gather my thoughts into choosing the right decisions that could lead to taking care of myself.
self-care practices
😂👀📹Watching Feel-Good Short Reels📹👀😂
I am a big fan of the cinema. I am fond of watching films that make me think and could possibly change my perspective over something that has occupied my mind. However, I don't have the luxury of time watching films whenever I want to. Fortunately, Youtube exists. These days I only watch tv on Sundays when my favorite magazine show is on air. Other than that, I spend much of my time watching short documentaries and some other random feel-good videos. I love watching 73 Questions by the American Vogue, Vice Documentaries, Great Big Story, VOX videos, TED-Ed, and just recently, Naomi Campbell's Youtube channel. Yes, she got one. Watching videos from these channels helps me relieve my daily stress and learn something new.

How about you guys? What are some of your personal self-care practices? I would be more than happy to know (and copy) them. haha!

love lots,

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  1. It's very important for health... So great tips! Have a beautiful week.

    1. Thank you so much my dear! :)
      Have a beautiful week as well.

  2. So important...sundays are my days to slow down and recharge for the new week.

    1. Yes dear, Sundays are great times for me to recharge too :)

  3. Woo definitely Tin! Day offs and taking time for ourselves is definitely necessary, especially in a world that is running at the speed of light and it is not mandatory to be online or available 24/7.... sometimes is good to take a few hours for ourselves and fill our minds with new energies.

    My favorite thing to do is get a digital detox while I read something or while i go to a nice coffee to draw some sketches :)


    1. You know I love to do your favorite things to do!
      Hope will enjoy a cup of joe someday amigo! <3


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