Making Memories at Marisse Patisserie

Making Memories at Marisse Patisserie

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Upon learning that Miss Charen will soon grace us with sayonara, I immediately thought of an initiative for us to meet one last time. Miss Charen is one of my co-workers when I used to work in the media, right after I took a break from the academe. She's one of the most down-to-earth and hands down, one

Ever Bilena Blush Duo in Baked Fig Review

Ever Bilena Blush Duo in Baked Fig Review

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As we are now in the era of contouring, a contour kit is now considered a must have for most makeup lovers. Though I do not contour my face that much, I still find it important to have a decent kit that can give us that sought-after Kardashian cheeks. (That's if you wanna be Kim lol)  In the

5 Versatile Pieces for Your Summer Wardrobe

5 Versatile Pieces for Your Summer Wardrobe

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photo from The absence of the rain and with the sun staying out a little bit longer means we are now welcoming the summer sun. The hot weather might be harsh, but it won't hinder any being from witnessing the wonders that come along with it. Aside from strengthening our protection from the summer heat, another thing that