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Hello everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.(though my Christmas greeting is late hehe) Thank so much for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it :) It's nice meeting you even though our meeting is "virtual" hehe. Cheers for more worthwhile post to come and I wish you all a long and happy life ;D Now here's

Summer in December

Summer in December

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Summer in December Image
 another adventure. another day, same sky, same friend, same feelings Last Wednesday (Dec.19,2012) my best friend Love and I went to Sayaw Beach at Barili for a refreshing trip. It's somewhere in the southern part of Cebu. Somewhere very far from the City where I breathe.Went out of town to celebrate my last day of being a teenager

Instant Makeover and Pefect Lip Color

Instant Makeover and Pefect Lip Color

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     Hey guys, I just wanna share to you two of the trending news from Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com). If you've followed my blog for a long time you'll know how much I adore reading. Here's a random fact about me, I haven't watched tv for more than a minute for a very long time like a year (that long)

The Song Of The Fish

The Song Of The Fish

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Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish. Instead of an exhausting human form with a look like this. Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish. So that I could always cry without any tears in my eye. Sometimes I wish God had made me a fish So I won't have to wish to be