Take a Gastronomic Adventure Around the World at H Cafe

Take a Gastronomic Adventure Around the World at H Cafe

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Different kinds of buffet has taken over the Queen City of the South. From international cuisine to local authentic Sugbuanon street foods, you'll never run out of choices once you set foot in Cebu. And truly, the Cebuanos aren't afraid to venture into a new kind of gastronomic feat. For those who are in F&B, it is a

I Tried an Abhyangga Indian-Inspired Massage

I Tried an Abhyangga Indian-Inspired Massage

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       One of the most important things that I've learned from being a full-time working adult is never to forget pampering myself from time to time. By pampering myself, what I mean is giving myself a good self-care. When one gets too busy and too absorbed at work, self-care might be neglected. But, we should all

Colourpop Yes, Please! Eye Shadow Palette Review

Colourpop Yes, Please! Eye Shadow Palette Review

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      When you love makeup it's normal to vary the amount that you use and products that you are using. Any makeup lover could relate to the different moods of applying makeup. Sometimes, one could go for a natural look with earthy tones or for a full-glam look in darker tones matched with red berry lips. 

Amuma Childcare Services Childcare Center Cebu

Amuma Childcare Services Childcare Center Cebu

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      These days, it is no longer a surprise to see married or single moms and dads working for their family. I'm not anybody's parent yet, but knowing how much work my parents did to provide us is no joke. Parenthood is a very taxing job, and whether we agree or not, it truly takes a

Enchong Dee is Sun Life PH's New Wellness Ambassador

Enchong Dee is Sun Life PH's New Wellness Ambassador

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Enchong Dee is Sun Life PH's New Wellness Ambassador Image
        Living in a digital age where every thing seems to be at reach in a click of a button, health and wellness are often neglected by many. It is an unfortunate fact that most of us Filipinos doesn't have a health insurance or a simple savings deposit intended for our wellness especially when the