Placid Paradise: Puerto Princesa Palawan

Placid Paradise: Puerto Princesa Palawan

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The waves of noise from the bustling metropolis made me long for a worry-free getaway. Fortunately, I didn't have to repine for forever because I got the chance to visit Puerto Princesa in Palawan. Knowing Palawan as one of the most sought-after travel destination in the world, who am I to resist the call of its charms? Although

5 Dresses to Try This Holiday Season

5 Dresses to Try This Holiday Season

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With all of the parties and other sort of get together events this holiday season, shopping could be a daunting task especially if you are connected to an 8-5 commitment. While you can also wear something comfortable, there is nothing wrong in choosing something a little bit more special. After all,  Christmas season comes only once a year.

Musings on Summer Nights

Musings on Summer Nights

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Here are a couple of poems that I wrote last summer (April, May 2017). For some reasons, my poetic muse was constant last summer. I hope you enjoy reading a part of my soul's verses above. love lots, Tin