W7 Cosmetics Beat It! Eye Shadow Palette Review

W7 Cosmetics Beat It! Eye Shadow Palette Review

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For somebody who loves makeup, trying new cosmetics product would feel like heaven. I have tried countless makeup products but trying out a new one still excites me a lot. Witnessing the opening of Perfect Secret, a beauty outlet, I got the chance to try an eyeshadow palette from W7 Cosmetics. I don't know about you, but it

Poetic Isolation Back to School Giveaway! (Close)

Poetic Isolation Back to School Giveaway! (Close)

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Poetic Isolation Back to School Giveaway! (Close) Image
Before we know it, we'll soon have to pack our bags, not for a travel getaway, but to another chance to learn something new. Right. Most of us have to head to school. Oh, I'm not here to make you sad, in fact, there's nothing to be sad about saying goodbye to summer. Going back to our usual