Placid Paradise: Puerto Princesa Palawan

Placid Paradise: Puerto Princesa Palawan

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The waves of noise from the bustling metropolis made me long for a worry-free getaway. Fortunately, I didn't have to repine for forever because I got the chance to visit Puerto Princesa in Palawan. Knowing Palawan as one of the most sought-after travel destination in the world, who am I to resist the call of its charms? Although

5 Dresses to Try This Holiday Season

5 Dresses to Try This Holiday Season

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With all of the parties and other sort of get together events this holiday season, shopping could be a daunting task especially if you are connected to an 8-5 commitment. While you can also wear something comfortable, there is nothing wrong in choosing something a little bit more special. After all,  Christmas season comes only once a year.

Musings on Summer Nights

Musings on Summer Nights

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Here are a couple of poems that I wrote last summer (April, May 2017). For some reasons, my poetic muse was constant last summer. I hope you enjoy reading a part of my soul's verses above. love lots, Tin

Cebu Parklane Shines Brighter: Christmas Lights, Sustainable Decors and Generous Hearts

Cebu Parklane Shines Brighter: Christmas Lights, Sustainable Decors and Generous Hearts

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Cebu Parklane Shines Brighter: Christmas Lights, Sustainable Decors and Generous Hearts Image
Cebu Parklane's Board of Directors with its General Manager Ms. Cenelyn Manguilimotan, DOT 7 Director Joshur Judd Lanete, retired DOT 7 Director Donnie Roa and Hon. Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale There is in fact treasure in trash. Though, less of us pay attention to what gems garbage can hide. Who would have thought of these simple rubbish tin cans,