A Sneak Peek of the Dreamland at Qube Gallery

A Sneak Peek of the Dreamland at Qube Gallery

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A Sneak Peek of the Dreamland at Qube Gallery Image
     Art always has the power to fascinate any soul. My BFF and I aren't an exemption as we found ourselves beyond fascination while checking out the artworks hang at the Qube Gallery.      As what was written on their online page, Qube Gallery is a premier art space in the southern Philippines that initiates, creates,

My Father is Tarzan

My Father is Tarzan

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My Father is Tarzan Image
My father is Tarzan. Oh no, my papa doesn't have those pandesal-like abs in his abdomen. Nothing's legendary about my father's belly, but papa, my papa is a legend. He cannot sway from one tree to another, but he had taken us to the highest tree of individual growth. I never once saw papa in a physical fight,

The Creative Monkey (Coffee-Banana Smoothie)

The Creative Monkey (Coffee-Banana Smoothie)

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The Creative Monkey (Coffee-Banana Smoothie) Image
      Nope, I'm not turning my blog into a food blog but yes, this post will feature one of my favorite recipes. This one's for coffee lovers like me, or to someone who loves to boost their creativity with the help of a coffee-banana smoothie.        I don't know if you've already read about

The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Leather Pants for Women

The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Leather Pants for Women

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Leather Pants for Women  Image
    Leather pants for women are one of the hottest pieces of clothing you can ever wear. They look glam, chic, fabulous and wearing it will certainly make you feel like a rock star. That is if you will pair it with the right clothing items. If not, there is a high tendency that you will look

Sunday Currently

Sunday Currently

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Sunday Currently Image
     It's almost Monday as of this moment, but I would like to write a brief update on my blog before hitting the sheets. This post is something new on my blog, though I don't intend to keep this going (at least not right now). Just want a specific outlet to scribe what's on my mind and