A Fun + Fearless Day with Cosmo PH

A Fun + Fearless Day with Cosmo PH

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      It always makes me feel grateful when I get the chance to meet new people and learn new things. Not just regular people and things, but those that I can consider as a sprinkle of God's wonder into my life. It wasn't that long when the amazing Jewel of Jewel Clicks sent me an invitation

Ethereal Wedding Dresses from Cocomelody

Ethereal Wedding Dresses from Cocomelody

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      Wedding gowns are one of the things that we consider as one of the highlights during a wedding. It is also one of the things that brides really look into to make their wedding day a dream come true. Some brides prefer to have their gowns custom made while there are others who are comfortable

The Lipstick I Have Chosen

The Lipstick I Have Chosen

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Two lipsticks sat on my makeup kit that day: matte and glossy and I needed to be ready for the party, so I swatched the matte… and the glossy as well. It looked shiny and shimmering. Oh yes! it was beyond mesmerizing Yet it was what all the other girls are wearing. I looked at the matte and

How to Have A Work Wardrobe on A Budget

How to Have A Work Wardrobe on A Budget

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       The adult working life is far different from the student life. You may feel so relax about budgeting while you're still a student, but it's a completely different thing once you graduate and start working. You feel great because you don't have to worry about assignments and school projects anymore, but then once you started

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation Review

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation Review

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        I love trying out new makeup products but before buying any, I love to read reviews about them first. That is to help me chose the right product also to ensure that I get the most out of the money that I spend. When Maybelline posted an announcement on their Facebook account that they

Beckoning Boljoon

Beckoning Boljoon

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      I want to be adamant with my belief that if a person should travel, he or she must first explore the wonders around him. I'd like to translate my belief by traveling locally all over the province of Cebu before going somewhere to travel. It's nothing crazy though. It is already given that traveling gives