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Torta Image
My mother once told me that if I wanted to keep love, I should know how to prepare it. I didn't know then how should I prepare something as special and as appetizing as love. Not until I learned to tie my combat boots and travel southbound 70.5 kilometers away from my comfort zone. I met the secret

Work It with Ozspecials

Work It with Ozspecials

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      While it is important to note that sometimes you have to follow certain dress code or at least look professionally , comfort must also be something that you have to consider. Not because you want to break some guidelines embedded in your workplace, but because in order to work properly, somehow you also have to

The Chocolate Chamber Review

The Chocolate Chamber Review

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   I don't consider myself as a chocolate buddy but I won't say no to chocolates. I mean, who doesn't like chocolates? lol you gotta be kidding if you'd say you do.     Recently, I went out for an appointment and found myself in a very cozy and "chocolatey" cafe called The Chocolate Chamber. It is a

Freebies: Travel Planner

Freebies: Travel Planner

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     It's officially summer here in the Philippines. yayy!!!That means most Filipino people are planning for their very own perfect getaway somewhere. Of course, our beautiful beaches will always be one of our favorite options. They are just one of the things that we Filipinos are proud of.        As for me, I am planning