Healthy Creamy Corn

Healthy Creamy Corn

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Hello everyone! No, you're not lost this is still Tin's blog haha but today I'll show you another wave of post. It's been a long time since I blog a food recipe but today I'll be showing you one. This is a recipe I wrote on my bullet journal a week ago but never had the chance to

Spell Sam

Spell Sam

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      Today is my best friend Sam's birthday. Sam is one of the most admirable girls I know. You know sometimes you have so many friends but you don't know which one is being true. I'm more than lucky because in that sense, Sam is one of the truest of the true friends I ever had!

Flower Power at Bloominous!

Flower Power at Bloominous!

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Hello everyone!      Recently I've been checking our flower arranging ideas and trying to busy myself with DIY's concerning flowers( which I will publish soon).I am always a fan of flowers and how to arrange them as our family owns a flower shop. My father is a florist and I used to join flower arranging contests before.