What's On My Make-up Bag? + SummerCollab Giveaway Winner

What's On My Make-up Bag? + SummerCollab Giveaway Winner

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What's On My Make-up Bag? + SummerCollab Giveaway Winner Image
Finally able to take photos of my make-up bag and its content. Can't wait to share it to you guys. Nothing's really special about the contents but I hope you enjoy my humble share ;) My make up bag is actually a cute little bag that I got from Misen, a store similar to Daiso Japan. The Contents Let's



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Samantha Image
  Samantha photographer/MUA: yours truly model: Mel Samantha Latoza A classic inspired photoshoot with my best friend Sam. No more leaks and a less drama is the inspiration for this quick photoshoot. You'll never know what happens when you let two bored girls talk, especially when they're best friends! Tried experimenting with available online photo editors again and

Fatal Petals

Fatal Petals

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Fatal Petals Image
"Good artists copy, great artists steal."  -Pablo Picasso     Inspired by Grace Ciao I couldn't help myself to make my own version. I have always been a frustrated fashion designer. Given the chance I would have chose to study fashion or anything related to arts,but because of certain circumstances I didn't chose to. Besides, I have to

#HYPERCEBU Photo Diary

#HYPERCEBU Photo Diary

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#HYPERCEBU Photo Diary Image
Great Finds Shopping BTS Ate Rica of Sweet Baby Doll and Janella of I Am Janella looking at some fashionable items. My friend Joanna who will be blogging soon took her time choosing for the best. FOODIES BLOGGERS/FASHIONISTAS Gillian Uang of ByDetails I just took a picture of her cause she looks pretty. HYPERchill A Shot of the