Make-up Session w/ Sis :)

Make-up Session w/ Sis :)

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        Hey guys, it's actually our semestral break so got enough time to rest but I'm definitely bored to death. I spend most of my time reading, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, watching movies,making some illustrations (which I will show you soon) and doing nothing :) hehe         Anyways, yesterday was Sunday, a day-off for my sister and fortunately she's

The Beauty Is In Struggle

The Beauty Is In Struggle

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         I know I haven't posted something on my blog for like aeons of years.whatever.I'm just too busy participating in what they so called "school".lol. Been so busy making projects and stuffs for final requirements. I don't know what's with some of our teachers though. They tend to give us lists of "what to pass for finals" the